Doc Fell & Co - "Revelations" Album Review

By Stephen Seely

As I sit down to write this review, I think about how I am often asked about why I love the Red Dirt genre of music. The answer is simple: Friends. My friend needed some help and asked some to people to write for her, so I obliged. I have threatened her before with writing something and things never panned out. So, I am taking full advantage of the platform she has given me to review some new music I had never listened to before. Thanks, Tonya, for this opportunity and thank everyone for reading this. It is a good way to get things out into the world and for people to understand why this genre of music means so much to so many.

When I first began this album review journey, I decided to keep my mind open and the air clear around me. I immersed myself into the music and tried to write freely and honestly. I have never been more impressed with a group or artist that I was asked to review.


Doc Fell and those boys have an outstanding sound, the harmonies and vocals came into my head and I feel a better person for it. Thanks guys, for creating an album for all to listen to. The words and lyrics touched my soul in ways and got me through a few hard times. Whether it be work, play or just sitting at home, this album has found its way onto my Spotify list and will be there for some time.

I knew nothing of Doc Fell and the boys before being asked to write this article. I had heard of them, being a fan of the scene, but had never heard them play. Now, after spending a week or so with the new album “Revelations” on my phone, it's hard to put down.


From songs like “Silver Lining”, in the times of Covid-19, the upbeat tempo of the song, mixed with the lyrics makes for a hit. I mean, even after a long 12 hours behind the counter of an auto parts store, this song made me want to dance. It’s really one of those songs you are drumming on the steering wheel in your car, while off in a dream, having a good time. It’s a good knee slapper, to quote my grandfather.

“Falling Stars” is my favorite song on the album. I’ve heard some good steel guitar, but this guy can play. Its finer than 15-year-old scotch. Great pedal work, and kudos to the trumpeter! What a great job. Being a trumpet player myself, I know a good trumpeter when I hear one. BRAVO! The instrumentals mix well with Doc’s scratchy, free flowing voice. The guitar player hits his marks,and the bass and drummer and on point. As for the lyrics, this song is one of the deep soul-getters.

“John the Ex Baptist” is another knee slapper. Good song about a bad guy. A hint of a shout out to Merle Haggard in there if you catch it. They threw a fiddle in the mix with it, and the band comes together nicely with the fiddle in the middle. It makes for a good time.

“Silly Little Song” is a fun tune. It brings out the trumpet again, and the UKE.

“Dear Jane” rocks! “Borrowed Time” was good times as well.

All in all, I give it a solid 7.0 out of 10. I enjoyed it. I also went back and listened to their early stuff. Thanks for letting me listen to it. Definitely made a new fan out of me. Hope to see y’all down the road.

Thanks to everyone for reading this. Thanks to Tonya for the opportunity.

Buy this album on all streaming platforms, and support local music. You can check out more about Doc Fell & Co on their website at, as well as on their social media sites.

BIG shout out to VIces Bar in El Reno, and Sarah. Thanks for letting me use the plug in and thank you for cold beer that went into my tummy writing this. Needed the inspiration and the atmosphere.

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